The Transitive Empire


The Transitive Empire contributed to these books:

Technical Books

Makoro Category Management
Category Management (IBM)
Editing (CD-ROM version shown above)

CMS Category Management
Category Management Systems:
The Power of Information in Retailing
(CMS, Inc.)

HTML Unleashed
Roadmap to CPFR: The Case Studies (VICS)

HTML Unleashed
HTML 4.0 Unleashed (
Writing (partial)

Learning the 6809
Micro Language Lab: Learning the 6809 (Green Mountain Micro, Inc.)
Research, writing, design, layout, production; re-released as CD edition

The Custom TRS-80
The Custom TRS-80 (IJG, Inc.)
Research, writing, editing, photography


My Little Life
My Little Life: A Girl Growing Up in the Forties (NNP, Inc.)
Editing, design, layout

Kennth Sawyer Goodman Chronology and Bibliography
Kenneth Sawyer Goodman: A Chronology and Annotated Bibliography (The Newberry Library)
Research, writing, design


Marching On!
Marching On! John Brown's Ghost from the Civil War to Civil Rights (NNP, Inc.)
Editing, design, layout

Art Books in Limited Editions

The Karmora Papers
The Karmora Papers (Laszlo Toth School of Art)
Writing, design, layout, production

Random Selection from the Marvin Hodge Archive
A Random Selection from the Marvin Hodge Archive (Laszlo Toth School of Art)
Editing, design, layout, production

jkl; (private edition)
Editing, design, layout, production

Only on the Web

The Middle-Aged Hiker
The Middle-Aged Hiker (web edition)
Research, writing, design, web production

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