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Malted/Media Productions

Malted/Media Productions, founded in 1973 as Trans/Media and renamed in 1977, is an artist-centered collective for words, sounds, and sights. We've been online since 1981 and on the Web since 1995, but our feet are on the ground in Vermont.

Today we are offering more of the recording, editing, composition, arranging, reconstruction, restoration, and other media services that we have provided for 30 years.

Did you just hear about our restoration services in the Vermont news media? If so jump right to our restoration services and audio samples!

live/location icon LIVE/LOCATION: Live concert recording and on-location recording, specializing in nonpop chamber, orchestral, jazz, and other acoustic music, and recording in unusual locations and situations.
post-concert icon POST-CONCERT: Post-concert editing, ambient noise reduction, performance correction, and track mastering. Classes, seminars, and lessons in the techniques of post-concert production.
production icon CD PRODUCTION: CD duplication (small runs or commercial), presentation, design, booklet creation, program notes, news releases, posters, and publicity. Classes and seminars in creating CDs and writing notes.
restoration icon RESTORATION: Restoration of existing and historical recordings -- shellacs, paper tape, 8-tracks, and more. Classes, seminars, and lessons in restoration, and in oral history interview methods and recording techniques.
remastering icon REMASTERING: Recovery, reconstruction, re-editing, reprocessing, and remastering of existing recordings for production to new formats such as CDs and web media.
web media icon WEB MEDIA: Web site design and development, web media creation, and live or archived online concert presentation. Classes, seminars, and lessons in creating effective web media.
demos icon DEMOS: Transcriptions, score-creation, and demo recordings using high-quality professional samples. Classes, seminars, and lessons in creating demos with Finale, Sonar, and other software tools.
music icon MUSIC: Composing and arranging music for live events, soundtracks, videos, and unique activities. Classes, seminars, and lessons in composition & arranging, as well as in Finale software.
chess icon CHESS: And while you're here, I'd like to invite you to bring your kids to Vermont Chess Camp, a family-run operation founded by the late master John Balch, Vermont's beloved "Johnny Appleseed of Chess" (and my father-in-law).

T h e   R e s t   o f

Malted/Media Productions

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz

Malted/Media is the brainchild of Dennis Báthory-Kitsz, composer, performance artist, technologist, author, and teacher. Malted/Media produces arts events & websites. It includes music publishing & performing ensembles. Malted/Media is associated with musicians and artists across the world. Find out about his upcoming performances and essays and check out his vampire site, see his performance works Echo, Plasm over ocean, and Stoneworld/Grey and installations In Bocca al Lupo, Wolf5 and Detritus of Mating with Sex and Death: Offerings, plus hear and download his music and scores for free! ... in PDF, Finale ETF, Midi and MP3! Now available: Detritus of Mating, an hour-long abstract soundscape on compact disc.

Ought-One Festival

August 25-26, 2001, in downtown Montpelier, Vermont, was the The Ought-One Festival of Nonpop:Nobounds. Highlights included 30-plus concerts and more than 100 composers and perfomers, with concerts running from noon to 11pm. Meet the composers featured on Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar and dozens more!

Kalvos and Damian

Featuring composers from around the world is the radio program Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar. On the air from early 1995 to mid-2010, the program has interviewed composers from the United States, Canada, and Europe, and offers music and interview clips, photographs, and important essays by the world's composers. More than 500 archived shows are available (with playlists).

Bathory Erzsebet

Erzsébet, an opera in progress about Elizabeth Báthory, the 16th-17th century vampire, by Dennis Báthory-Kitsz. This site includes photos of Castle Csejthe, a short story entitled A Cloak for the Lord of Cats, images of Erzsébet and the family crest, the Prayer of Elizabeth, comparative Elizabeth paintings, a journal, two scenarios, a bibliography, musical excerpts, store to purchase t-shirts, recordings, etc..

Score Presentation

Malted/Media can create scores for composers who are struggling with turning pen-and-ink graphical scores or specially notated scores into electronic format for printing or web distribution. You can examine score samples of the work of Dennis Báthory-Kitsz in Adobe PDF format or as Finale downloadable files. Performance and vocal works like The Moon, Withered, i cried in the sun aïda, Specimen and others use graphical notation; traditional scores by the dozens are also found. See how they're done, see what you like, and if you need assistance or score preparation, email Dennis.

Detritus of Mating

Detritus of Mating "repays repeated listenings, which reveal more and more layers. I especially like the way it uses voices in varying degrees of deconstructedness. Piercing high frequencies add an unsettling aspect, which prevents this work from being the least bit ambient. It commands attention." -- Bryce Moore, Difficult Listening, RTR Radio Perth. Detritus of Mating is available from the composer, The Electronic Music Foundation, Frog Peak Music, or Crystal Lake Music (France). Detritus received the Burton Award from The Latest Score on WOMR-FM.

Travelers Rest

With buildings and sculptures by Fernanda D'Agostino, Travelers Rest included an interactive environment with echoing of individual voices and sounds, and computer operation of subtle sound relaying equipment, all in a field bordering an Interstate highway in Vermont. Created at the site, along with the interactive environment, was Wolf5, a performance piece for singers and instrumentalists. 16 photos, summary and access to full instructions.

In Bocca al Lupo

A unique interactive space was created that emulated the temple of a long-lost mythical civilization. With sculptures by Fernanda D'Agostino and a computer-controlled sound installation, In Bocca al Lupo felt like entering the distant past that was still alive in sound and sense. With sculptures that learned how they were visited and viewed, Bocca became a supple and responsive space over the course of its installation. Summary and seven photographs..

Plasm over ocean

The renaissance of chamber opera as performance art was heralded by the 1977 work Plasm over ocean, with music by Dennis Báthory-Kitsz and libretto by David Gunn. The three-scene opera used custom instruments and its characters both sang and formed their own orchestra. At its first performance, Plasm evoked amazement and caused controversy with its amodernist approach that became de rigueur a decade later. Full libretto, 17 photographs, and audio excepts from each scene.


A remarkable performance work was presented in 1985: Echo. Using instruments and costumes designed specifically for the hour-long solo performance work, Echo included live and taped material, plus intelligent algorithms as part of a computer-controlled acoustic environment. Scenario, 16 photographs, and text excerpts.


Surrounded by original works of the Dadaist artists, the Dashuki Music Theatre performed Stoneworld/Grey, a disturbing and difficult work. Using choreography and simple instruments, the performers created a surreal atmosphere in a bright, public museum, surrounded by the paintings, sculpture and art objects of the original surrealists. Outline, photographs, and choreography excerpt.

Sex and Death: Offerings

The exhibit for which Detritus of Mating was created, Sex and Death: Offerings is the work of sculptor Pavel Kraus. This mysterious sculpture has appeared in many locations in North America and Europe, and appeared as an installation at the Mánes Museum in Prague in 1999. Tour the Sex and Death exhibit in Vermont with 42 photographs, and the Sex Death Offerings exhibit in Prague with 15 photographs.

Middle-Aged Hiker

Malted/Media has published two complete books on line. The first has been available since early 1996: The Middle-Aged Hiker. This includes journals, essays and stories about the exploits of four aging but happy hikers in the Southwest, plus an abundance of color photos of the Grand Canyon, the Colorado River -- and the hikers' injuries.

Karmora Papers

Among the most discombobulated and funny science-fiction novels is The Karmora Papers, a sequence novel first written in 1976, and republished both in paperback and here on the Web. It's one of the singly least popular works of sci-fi ever published. And if Web-reading isn't your style, you can get the printed edition on request.

Westleaf Edition

The music publisher, Westleaf Edition, offers the compositions of Dennis Báthory-Kitsz, David Gunn, Gilles Yves Bonneau, and Lydia Busler-Blais. Westleaf is always searching for new, interesting composers to offer in its catalog. Westleaf Edition is associated with Frog Peak Music, and is an ASCAP publisher.


Since you're this far, we'll invite you to read some of the papers, essays and stories written by Malted/Media writers. There are just a few available now (including some prophetic technical talks from the early 1980's, a short story, and a few music rants), but the list will be growing.

David Gunn

Here's a link to David Gunn, also a publisher of music by David Gunn, and home to his own antics. You can download his latest scores, and as the site develops, read his stories and essays.

Il Gruppo Nuke Jitters

Since the 1970's when it was known as the Dashuki Music Theatre, Il Gruppo Nuke Jitters has premiered the music and performance art of contemporary composers. Il Gruppo has performed in New York, Washington, Boston, and throughout the Northeast. Among its 1995-96 concerts were Clusters and Circular Screaming, the latter a multisensory multimedia work for music, ice, light and aromas.


Performing the music of Vermont composers is, naturally, the Vermont Contemporary Music Ensemble, directed by Steven Klimowski. They have a new CD out with music of Jim Grant and Thomas L. Read, and in 1997 are celebrating ten years of performing new and classic works of this century.

RUCC Church Choir

The first Malted/Media historical page is this link to The Roxbury Union Congregation Church Choir, whose 1988 recording Honor to the Hills has been re-released on two compact discs. There is also an site in preparation where all the hymns and anthems can be downloaded.

Trans/Media Arts Cooperative

The second Malted/Media historical page is this link to Trans/Media Arts Cooperative, an important post-Fluxus organization which presented 95 arts events from 1973-78, including the Delaware Valley Festivals of the Avant-Garde. This site is under construction, but will eventually contain hundreds of pictures and sounds from artists famous and obscure who began there careers with Trans/Media.


Speaking of composers, the Consortium of Vermont Composers is an active mélange of music creators who can be found lurking on the Web when they're not chopping wood or burning scores to keep warm. The Consortium also publishes an on-line newsletter, Consorting


Among the artists associated with Malted/Media for more than 20 years is Richard B. Fredette, known as He did the lighting for Plasm over ocean and many Il Gruppo Nuke Jitters, when it was called Dashuki Music Theatre.

Laszlo Toth School

For the past 20 years, the Laszlo Toth School of Art has been responsible for the publication and presentation of the more unusual Malted/Media ventures, including The Karmora Papers and the Marvin Hodge Archives. LTSoA was founded by Dennis Báthory-Kitsz and Richard B. Fredette

Composers Gateway

Gary BarwinGary Barwin
Dennis Bathory-KitszDennis Báthory-Kitsz
Eve BeglarianEve Beglarian
Rhys ChathamRhys Chatham
David DrammDavid Dramm
David GunnDavid Gunn
Anne La BergeAnne La Berge
John TrubeeJohn Trubee
Gwyneth WalkerGwyneth Walker

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